Why is it So Hard to Find Allergen-Friendly Foods?

Lattini sunflower milk original flavor

Navigating the food landscape with allergies can feel like trying to find your way through a maze with hidden traps—not fun! Whether you’re allergic to nuts, dairy, soy, or other common allergens, finding safe, allergen-friendly foods can be a daily struggle. Milk alternatives often come with their own set of issues. So, why is it so difficult, and what can you do to make your life easier? Let’s talk about it!

The Growing Prevalence of Food Allergies

Food allergies are on the rise—according to the CDC, the prevalence of food reactions in children has increased by 377% between 2007 and 2016. Today, roughly 32 million Americans have food allergies, including 5.6 million children under age 18

This growing prevalence impacts daily life significantly, and influences everything from where people eat to the type of milk they put in their cereal. 

The Challenges in Finding Allergen-Friendly Foods

Limited Availability

One of the primary challenges in finding allergen-friendly foods is their limited availability. Regular grocery stores often don’t stock a wide variety of these options, which prompts consumers to visit specialty stores or order online. 

  • Specialty Stores: While some grocery chains have improved their selection, many allergen-friendly foods are still only available at specialty health food stores.
  • Online Orders: E-commerce platforms like Amazon have made it easier to find allergen-friendly products.

Cross-Contamination Concerns

Cross-contamination is another significant issue. Even if a food product doesn’t contain an allergen as an ingredient, it might be produced in a facility that handles allergens, which poses a risk. This makes it crucial for manufacturers to implement strict controls to prevent cross-contamination.

Labeling Confusion

Ingredient lists can be confusing, and allergen warnings aren’t always clear or standardized. Terms like “may contain traces of” or “manufactured in a facility that processes” can leave consumers uncertain about the safety of a product.

  • Decoding Labels: Learning to decode food labels is an essential skill for anyone with allergies, but it can be time-consuming and stressful.
  • Inconsistent Standards: Different countries and even different companies within the same country may have varying labeling standards, which adds to the confusion.

Lattini: Our Commitment to Allergen-Friendly Products

At Lattini, our mission is to create inclusive products that everyone can enjoy. Founded with the goal of offering high-quality, allergen-friendly foods, we understand the importance of safety and transparency for all. With simple ingredients and a transparent nutrition label, you’ll know exactly what you’re enjoying. 

  • Our Mission: We aim to cater to a diverse range of dietary needs, making delicious and safe foods accessible to all.
  • Community Focus: Building a supportive community for those with food allergies is at the heart of what we do.

Safe and Delicious Sunflower Milk

In short, we’re proud of our sunflower milk—it’s free from common allergens like soy, nuts, and dairy, making it a safe choice for many. Our sunflower milk offers a delicious alternative that’s perfect for everything from your morning coffee to baking. You can find our products at Sprouts, Erewhon, MOM’s Organic Market, Wegmans, and on Amazon.

Creating a world where food allergies don’t limit your choices is our passion. With Lattini Sunflower Milk, we’re making it easier for everyone to enjoy delicious, allergen-friendly foods.

Simplify Your Life with Our Allergen-Friendly Foods

Finding allergen-friendly foods can be tough, but it’s worth the effort. We’re leading the way in providing safer, more inclusive options, making shopping and dining easier for everyone. 

Explore Lattini’s delicious, safe options today and join a community committed to food inclusivity.