Category Archives: Our Ingredients

Why is it So Hard to Find Allergen-Friendly Foods?

Lattini sunflower milk original flavor

Navigating the food landscape with allergies can feel like trying to find your way through a maze with hidden traps—not fun! Whether you’re allergic to nuts, dairy, soy, or other common allergens, finding safe, allergen-friendly foods can be a daily struggle. Milk alternatives often come with their own set of issues. So, why is it […]

Don’t Let Lactose Bring You Down—Try Our Dairy Free Chocolate Milk Today

Lattini dairy free chocolate milk on table outside

Remember those carefree childhood days, coming home from school to a cold glass of chocolate milk? For many of us, it’s a nostalgic treat that brings back fond memories. But if you’re lactose intolerant, you might feel like you’re missing out. Not anymore!  With Lattini’s Dairy Free Chocolate Milk, you can enjoy those sweet moments again without […]

What Does the Sunflower Mean to Us?

sunflower sprouting in a field at sunset

It’s pretty incredible how many wonders the Earth has given us. But there’s something a little extra special about sunflowers, don’t you think? They’re a ray of sunshine standing tall, symbolizing resilience and vitality throughout history. And now, they’re not just a symbol; they’re part of our eco-friendly lifestyle. At Lattini, we’re here to show […]

Sunflower Milk: A Nutrient-Rich Solution for Gluten-Free Folks

lattini sunflower milk being poured into a glass

If you’re dealing with dietary restrictions like a gluten allergy, you might sometimes feel like you’re missing out on the tastier things in life. The good news is that we’re seeing more and more inclusive options for those of us who need to steer clear of gluten.  As we start to see more gluten-free choices […]